Professional Counselling Service
Contact Details:
H. 028 90 610778
Mob. No. 07902691876
My practice as a counsellor is informed by a Humanistic Integrative Therapeutic orientation that utilises, as appropriate, the following three modalities.
1. Person Centred:
Like all therapies, the person-centred approach is ever in a state of evolutionary development. Organising principles include...2. CBT:
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy seeks to identify and address ‘faulty thinking’ that is causing distress or adding to the same. CBT recognises that we all have a potential for both ‘straight’ and ‘crooked’ thinking and that in times of stress our capacity for crooked thinking often enlarges. CBT does not attempt to straighten out every crooked thought we may have as undoubtedly we all distort reality in myriad ways, but rather seeks to help us with those cognitions/ideas which are contributing to ongoing unease and which may even lie at the roots of our distress.3. Psychodynamic:
In general terms psychodynamic theory and practice concerns itself with the interrelationships between the conscious and presumed unconscious aspects of a person’s mind. These interplays are influenced by the external environment with its many demands and thus what we call ‘psychodynamic’ may be understood also as a systematized study of relationships, those within and those without, and their interconnectedness. Many people have heard of Sigmund Freud, the creator of psychoanalysis. Freud helped originate the concepts of id, superego, and ego which he believed to be engaged in oppositional struggle throughout a person’s life. If the struggle is going acceptably well and our inner conflict does not cause us high levels of anxiety then we are best placed to deal with the demands of life, love, and work. In psychodynamic therapy clients can become aware of dynamic conflicts and tensions that manifest as symptom or challenge in their lives.“There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before”.
Henry David Thoreau
Copyright 2012 Cherrytree Professional Counselling